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Study of early selection in tree breeding. 2. Advantage of early selection through shortening the breeding cycle. Wu, H. X. Silvae genetica, 48(2): 78–83. January 1999.
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Apical mitotic activity and growth in clones of Norway spruce in relation to cold hardiness. Westin, J., Sundblad, L., Strand, M., & Hällgren, J. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29: 40–46. February 1999.
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Programmed cell death in castor bean endosperm is associated with the accumulation and release of a cysteine endopeptidase from ricinosomes. Schmid, M., Simpson, D., & Gietl, C. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96(24): 14159–14164. November 1999. Publisher: National Academy of Sciences Section: Biological Sciences
Programmed cell death in castor bean endosperm is associated with the accumulation and release of a cysteine endopeptidase from ricinosomes [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Expression of the isiA gene is essential for the survival of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 by protecting photosystem II from excess light under iron limitation. Park, Y., Sandström, S., Gustafsson, P., & Öquist, G. Molecular Microbiology, 32(1): 123–129. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1046/j.1365-2958.1999.01332.x
Expression of the isiA gene is essential for the survival of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 by protecting photosystem II from excess light under iron limitation [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
A phosphoglycerate to inorganic phosphate ratio is the major factor in controlling starch levels in chloroplasts via ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase regulation. Kleczkowski, L. A FEBS Letters, 448(1): 153–156. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1016/S0014-5793%2899%2900346-4
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AUX1 regulates root gravitropism in Arabidopsis by facilitating auxin uptake within root apical tissues. Marchant, A., Kargul, J., May, S. T., Muller, P., Delbarre, A., Perrot-Rechenmann, C., & Bennett, M. J. The EMBO Journal, 18(8): 2066. April 1999. Publisher: European Molecular Biology Organization
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Calibration Transfer for Predicting Lake-Water pH from near Infrared Spectra of Lake Sediments. Geladi, P., Bärring, H., Dåbakk, E., Trygg, J., Antti, H., Wold, S., & Karlberg, B. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 7(4): 251–264. October 1999. Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd STM
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Responses of a Nitrogen-Saturated Forest to a Sharp Decrease in Nitrogen Input. Quist, M. E., Näsholm, T., Lindeberg, J., Johannisson, C., Högbom, L., & Högberg, P. Journal of Environmental Quality, 28(6): 1970–1977. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.2134/jeq1999.00472425002800060037x
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Salinity and Hyperosmotic Stress Induce Rapid Increases in Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate, Diacylglycerol Pyrophosphate, and Phosphatidylcholine in Arabidopsis thaliana Cells*. Pical, C., Westergren, T., Dove, S. K., Larsson, C., & Sommarin, M. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274(53): 38232–38240. December 1999.
Salinity and Hyperosmotic Stress Induce Rapid Increases in Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate, Diacylglycerol Pyrophosphate, and Phosphatidylcholine in Arabidopsis thaliana Cells* [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Role of a novel photosystem II-associated carbonic anhydrase in photosynthetic carbon assimilation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Park, Y., Karlsson, J., Rojdestvenski, I., Pronina, N., Klimov, V., Öquist, G., & Samuelsson, G. FEBS Letters, 444(1): 102–105. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1016/S0014-5793%2899%2900037-X
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GEG Participates in the Regulation of Cell and Organ Shape during Corolla and Carpel Development in Gerbera hybrida. Kotilainen, M., Helariutta, Y., Mehto, M., Pöllänen, E., Albert, V. A., Elomaa, P., & Teeri, T. H. The Plant Cell, 11(6): 1093–1104. June 1999.
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Forest biotechnology makes its position known. Strauss, S., Boerjan, W., Cairney, J., Campbell, M., Dean, J., Ellis, D., Jouanin, L., & Sundberg, B. Nature Biotechnology, 17(12): 1145–1145. December 1999. Bandiera_abtest: a Cg_type: Nature Research Journals Number: 12 Primary_atype: Comments & Opinion Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
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The Arabidopsis Dwarf Mutant shi Exhibits Reduced Gibberellin Responses Conferred by Overexpression of a New Putative Zinc Finger Protein. Fridborg, I., Kuusk, S., Moritz, T., & Sundberg, E. The Plant Cell, 11(6): 1019–1031. June 1999.
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Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase Associated with Spinach Plasma Membranes. Isolation and Characterization of Two Distinct Forms1. Westergren, T., Ekblad, L., Jergil, B., & Sommarin, M. Plant Physiology, 121(2): 507–516. October 1999.
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Acclimation of Arabidopsis Leaves Developing at Low Temperatures. Increasing Cytoplasmic Volume Accompanies Increased Activities of Enzymes in the Calvin Cycle and in the Sucrose-Biosynthesis Pathway1. Strand, Å., Hurry, V., Henkes, S., Huner, N., Gustafsson, P., Gardeström, P., & Stitt, M. Plant Physiology, 119(4): 1387–1398. April 1999.
Acclimation of Arabidopsis Leaves Developing at Low Temperatures. Increasing Cytoplasmic Volume Accompanies Increased Activities of Enzymes in the Calvin Cycle and in the Sucrose-Biosynthesis Pathway1 [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Extragenic Suppressors of the Arabidopsis gaiMutation Alter the Dose-Response Relationship of Diverse Gibberellin Responses1. Peng, J., Richards, D. E., Moritz, T., Caño-Delgado, A., & Harberd, N. P. Plant Physiology, 119(4): 1199–1208. April 1999.
Extragenic Suppressors of the Arabidopsis gaiMutation Alter the Dose-Response Relationship of Diverse Gibberellin Responses1 [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Phosphorylation of Thr-948 at the C Terminus of the Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase Creates a Binding Site for the Regulatory 14-3-3 Protein. Svennelid, F., Olsson, A., Piotrowski, M., Rosenquist, M., Ottman, C., Larsson, C., Oecking, C., & Sommarin, M. The Plant Cell, 11(12): 2379–2391. December 1999.
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Peroxidase isozyme polymorphism in Cucurbita pepo cultivars with various morphotypes and different level of field resistance to powdery mildew. Lebeda, A, Křı́stková, E, & Doležal, K Scientia Horticulturae, 81(2): 103–112. June 1999.
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Regulatory interaction of PRL1 WD protein with Arabidopsis SNF1-like protein kinases. Bhalerao, R. P., Salchert, K., Bakó, L., Ökrész, L., Szabados, L., Muranaka, T., Machida, Y., Schell, J., & Koncz, C. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 96(9): 5322. April 1999. Publisher: National Academy of Sciences
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Dwarf (di)haploid pito mutants obtained from a tetraploid potato cultivar (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) via anther culture are defective in gibberellin biosynthesis. Valkonen, J. P. T., Moritz, T., Watanabe, K. N., & Rokka, V. Plant Science, 149(1): 51–57. November 1999.
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Coordinated Polar Localization of Auxin Efflux Carrier PIN1 by GNOM ARF GEF. Steinmann, T., Geldner, N., Grebe, M., Mangold, S., Jackson, C. L., Paris, S., Gälweiler, L., Palme, K., & Jürgens, G. Science, 286(5438): 316–318. October 1999. Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science
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Auxin-induced K+ channel expression represents an essential step in coleoptile growth and gravitropism. Philippar, K., Fuchs, I., Lüthen, H., Hoth, S., Bauer, C. S., Haga, K., Thiel, G., Ljung, K., Sandberg, G., Böttger, M., Becker, D., & Hedrich, R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96(21): 12186–12191. October 1999. Publisher: National Academy of Sciences Section: Biological Sciences
Auxin-induced K+ channel expression represents an essential step in coleoptile growth and gravitropism [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Enhanced ethylene production and peroxidase activity in IAA-overproducing transgenic tobacco plants is associated with increased lignin content and altered lignin composition. Sitbon, F., Hennion, S., Little, C. H. A., & Sundberg, B. Plant Science, 141(2): 165–173. February 1999.
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Origins and metabolism of formate in higher plants. Igamberdiev, A. U., Bykova, N. V., & Kleczkowski, L. A. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 37(7): 503–513. July 1999.
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Estimates of structural complexity in clonal plant morphology: comparisons of grazed and ungrazed Acaena magellanica rhizomes. Moen, J., Ingvarsson, P. K, & Walton, D. W. Canadian Journal of Botany, 77(6): 869–876. October 1999. Publisher: NRC Research Press
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A Relationship between Carbonic Anhydrase and Rubisco in Response to Moderate Cadmium Stress during Light Activation of Photosynthesis. Siedlecka, A., Gardeström, P., Samuelsson, G., Kleczkowski, L. A., & Krupa, Z. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 54(9-10): 759–763. October 1999. Publisher: De Gruyter
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Molecular Cloning and Spatial Expression of an ApL1 cDNA for the Large Subunit of ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Kleszkowski, L. A., Sokolov, L. N., Luo, C., & Villand, P. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 54(5-6): 353–358. June 1999. Publisher: De Gruyter
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Fall frost resistance in willows used for biomass production. II. Predictive relationships with sugar concentration and dry matter content. Ögren, E. Tree Physiology, 19(11): 755–760. September 1999.
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Fall frost resistance in willows used for biomass production. I. Characterization of seasonal and genetic variation. Ögren, E. Tree Physiology, 19(11): 749–754. September 1999.
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High heritability for heartwood in north Swedish Scots pine. Ericsson, T., & Fries, A. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 98(5): 732–735. April 1999.
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Genetic analysis of apomixis in Citrus and Poncirus by molecular markers. García, R., Asíns, M. J., Forner, J., & Carbonell, E. A. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 99(3): 511–518. August 1999.
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Fertility variation and its effect on diversity over generations in a teak plantation (Tectona grandis L.f.). Bila, A., Lindgren, D., & Mullin, T. Silvae Genetica, 48: 109–114. November 1999.
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Greening under High Light or Cold Temperature Affects the Level of Xanthophyll-Cycle Pigments, Early Light-Inducible Proteins, and Light-Harvesting Polypeptides in Wild-Type Barley and the Chlorina f2 Mutant. Król, M., Ivanov, A. G., Jansson, S., Kloppstech, K., & Huner, N. P. Plant Physiology, 120(1): 193–204. May 1999.
Greening under High Light or Cold Temperature Affects the Level of Xanthophyll-Cycle Pigments, Early Light-Inducible Proteins, and Light-Harvesting Polypeptides in Wild-Type Barley and the Chlorina f2 Mutant [link]Paper   link   bibtex   abstract  
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A Proposal for Extending the Nomenclature of Light-Harvesting Proteins of the Three Transmembrane Helix Type. Jansson, S., Green, B., Grossman, A. R., & Hiller, R. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 17(3): 221–224. September 1999.
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Characterisation of the PsbX protein from Photosystem II and light regulation of its gene expression in higher plants. Shi, L., Kim, S. J., Marchant, A., Robinson, C., & Schröder, W. P. Plant Molecular Biology, 40(4): 737–744. July 1999.
Characterisation of the PsbX protein from Photosystem II and light regulation of its gene expression in higher plants [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Organ identity genes and modified patterns of flower development in Gerbera hybrida (Asteraceae). Yu, D., Kotilainen, M., Pöllänen, E., Mehto, M., Elomaa, P., Helariutta, Y., Albert, V. A., & Teeri, T. H. The Plant Journal, 17(1): 51–62. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1046/j.1365-313X.1999.00351.x
Organ identity genes and modified patterns of flower development in Gerbera hybrida (Asteraceae) [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Accurate and high resolution in situ hybridization analysis of gene expression in secondary stem tissues. Regan, S., Bourquin, V., Tuominen, H., & Sundberg, B. The Plant Journal, 19(3): 363–369. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1046/j.1365-313X.1999.00536.x
Accurate and high resolution in situ hybridization analysis of gene expression in secondary stem tissues [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
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Leaf phenolics of three willow clones differing in resistance to Melampsora rust infection [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Increased auxin efflux in the IAA-overproducing sur1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana: A mechanism of reducing auxin levels?. Delarue, M., Muller, P., Bellini, C., & Delbarre, A. Physiologia Plantarum, 107(1): 120–127. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1034/j.1399-3054.1999.100116.x
Increased auxin efflux in the IAA-overproducing sur1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana: A mechanism of reducing auxin levels? [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Oxygen-dependent electron flow influences photosystem II function and psbA gene expression in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. Campbell, D., Clarke, A. K., Gustafsson, P., & Öquist, G. Physiologia Plantarum, 105(4): 746–755. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1034/j.1399-3054.1999.105420.x
Oxygen-dependent electron flow influences photosystem II function and psbA gene expression in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Nitrogen isotope fractionation during nitrogen uptake by ectomycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris. Högberg, P., Högberg, M. N., Quist, M. E., Ekblad, A., & Näsholm, T. New Phytologist, 142(3): 569–576. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1046/j.1469-8137.1999.00404.x
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Mechanizsed microsite preparation and direct seeding of Pinus sylvestris in boreal forests — a way to create desired spacing at low cost [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Distinct “Assisted” and “Spontaneous” Mechanisms for the Insertion of Polytopic Chlorophyll-binding Proteins into the Thylakoid Membrane*. Kim, S. J., Jansson, S., Hoffman, N. E., Robinson, C., & Mant, A. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274(8): 4715–4721. February 1999.
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Multilocus and Multitrait Differentiation of Populations of the Locally Rare Plant Scabiosa Canescens and the more Common S. Columbaria. Waldmann, P., & Andersson, S. Hereditas, 130(3): 341–343. 1999. _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1601-5223.1999.00341.x
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Robustness and time-scale hierarchy in biological systems. Rojdestvenski, I., Cottam, M., Park, Y., & Öquist, G. Biosystems, 50(1): 71–82. April 1999.
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A Cyanobacterial Gene Family Coding for Single-Helix Proteins Resembling Part of the Light-Harvesting Proteins from Higher Plants. Funk, C., & Vermaas, W. Biochemistry, 38(29): 9397–9404. July 1999. Publisher: American Chemical Society
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Sugar/osmoticum levels modulate differential abscisic acid-independent expression of two stress-responsive sucrose synthase genes in Arabidopsis. DÉJARDIN, A., SOKOLOV, L. N., & KLECZKOWSKI, L. A. Biochemical Journal, 344(2): 503–509. November 1999.
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Two Separate Transhydrogenase Activities Are Present in Plant Mitochondria. Bykova, N. V., Rasmusson, A. G., Igamberdiev, A. U., Gardeström, P., & Møller, I. M. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 265(1): 106–111. November 1999.
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