KBC infrastructure (2022, 2023)
Kempe foundations, GenFys Departament (Leica Stellaris 8 DIVE multiphoton; 2020)
Nils & Dorthi Troëdssons foundation (AFM Stage; 2019)
Kempe foundations (Atomic Force Microscope (AFM); 2019)
UMU infrastructure grant (Cryostat, 2019)
Kempe foundations (Leica DMi8 epifluroescence microscope; 2018)
SLU infrastructure grant and Kempe foundations (Zeiss LSM 800 and 880 confocals; 2018/2017)
Vinnova competence center (Vibratome, 2017)
Kempe foundations (BD FACSAria III; 2017)
Kempe foundations (Leica M205 FA stereofluorescence microscope; 2017)
Knut & Alice Wallenberg foundation, project grant for “ShapeSystems” (Nikon Az-Z2 Vertical macroconfocal; 2014)
Umu strong research environment funding (Leica HCS LSI macroconfocal; 2012)
Knut & Alice Wallenberg foundation, equipment grant (Zeiss LSM 780 confocal; 2010)
Vinnova competence center (general grant for the facility)