February 2024
Thu. 1 Feb, 2024
UPSCtech: Scientific Illustration workshop
Thu. 1 Feb, 2024 13:30 - 16:30
UPSCtech: Scientific Illustration workshop
How to design a graphical abstract
Workshop by Meike Latz, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
13:30 Introduction to the science behind effective visuals
14:15 Design your own graphical abstract (you will only need two sheets of paper and a pen)
15:30 Basic tools in Adobe Illustrator (bring your own laptop)
Feel free to join between sessions
Fika will also be served, so please fill in the registration form here:
Last date to register is January 19th
Contact person: Laura Garcia,
Mon. 5 Feb, 2024
UPSC Monday Seminar 2024
Mon. 5 Feb, 2024 9:00 - 10:00
9:00 Madhusree Mitra
Title: Novel linkages between polysaccharides and lipids in the cell wall
Supervisor: Ewa Mellerowicz
9:30 Loïc Talide
Title: Crafting tailored tools to study cell wall properties and carbon metabolism
Supervisor: Totte Niittylä
Place: Lilla hörsalen KB.E3.01
Time: 9:00-10:00
Contact: Maria Israelsson Nordström, Anne Honsel
Mon. 12 Feb, 2024
UPSC Monday Seminar 2024
Mon. 12 Feb, 2024 9:00 - 10:00
9:00 Kristoffer Jonsson
Title: Bending the rules: how plants control their shape through an endogenous developmental program
Supervisor: Stefan Jansson
9:30 Garima Pandey
Title: Effect of drought stress on wood development in hybrid aspen
Supervisor: Ewa Mellerowicz
Place: Lilla hörsalen KB.E3.01
Time: 9:00-10:00
Contact: Maria Israelsson Nordström, Anne Honsel
Thu. 15 Feb, 2024
UPSC Seminar - Daniel Van Damme
Thu. 15 Feb, 2024 10:00 - 11:00
Speaker: Daniël Van Damme
VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, Belgium
Title: Order and disorder in clathrin-mediated endocytosis
Host: Stéphanie Robert
Seminar series "Outside of Academia": #7 Working in Umeå – Skogforsk
Thu. 15 Feb, 2024 11:00 - 12:00
Seminar series
"Outside of Academia": #7 Working in Umeå – Skogforsk
Do you want to know which career paths are waiting for you outside of academia? Then listen to Henrik Svennerstam and Jörgen Hajek from Skogforsk.
Skogforsk is the forestry research institute of Sweden with a mission to develop and communicate knowledge about forests, and promote sustainability in forestry through research, services and products. Both Henrik Svennerstam and Jörgen Hajek have been working at Skogforsk for years in their silviculture team. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in a networking lunch afterwards.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/PTp7qgG5b6wtd2rh9
Last date for registration is February 14
For questions, please contact the organisers Laura Tünnermann (
Mon. 19 Feb, 2024
SILVA PhD course: Wood Biology and Biotechnology, 5 ECTS
Mon. 19 Feb, 2024 0:00 - Sat. 24 Feb, 2024 0:00
Development of novel wood-based products requires an understanding of the biological processes that lead to wood cell differentiation including cell division, expansion, secondary cell wall formation and programmed cell death. Currently though there is a lack of complete and updated information on these topics in a form of a book.
This PhD course will fill this gap and provide an overview of these biological processes, explaining how they lead to developing different kinds of wood, and how they affect wood traits of economic importance. Lectures and seminars are given by world experts in the field. Current tools for studying wood biology, wood structure, wood mechanics and wood chemical composition are introduced with practical demonstrations. Bioinformatics tools to answer student’s biological question on wood biology will be introduced and practiced during a training session. Social evening activities along with research project poster presentations by the students will allow free interactions and discussions among the students and the lecturers. The course literature is consisted of approx. 20 research and review papers suggested by the lecturers.
More information and registration: https://www.slu.se/en/ew-calendar/2024/2/wood-biology-and-biotechnology/
Deadline for application: 12th of January 2024 (the number of participants is limited to 18)
UPSC Monday Seminar 2024
Mon. 19 Feb, 2024 9:00 - 10:00
9:00 Clydecia Spitzer
Title: Aboveground and belowground traits are coordinated across twelve boreal tree species
Supervisor: Sandra Jämtgård, Associated UPSC group leader
9:30 Thomas Wieloch
Title: Mechanisms controlling carbon assimilation of aspen leaves
Supervisor: Totte Niittylä
Place: Lilla hörsalen KB.E3.01
Time: 9:00-10:00
Contact: Maria Israelsson Nordström, Anne Honsel
Tue. 20 Feb, 2024
SILVA PhD course: Wood Biology and Biotechnology, 5 ECTS
Mon. 19 Feb, 2024 0:00 - Sat. 24 Feb, 2024 0:00
Development of novel wood-based products requires an understanding of the biological processes that lead to wood cell differentiation including cell division, expansion, secondary cell wall formation and programmed cell death. Currently though there is a lack of complete and updated information on these topics in a form of a book.
This PhD course will fill this gap and provide an overview of these biological processes, explaining how they lead to developing different kinds of wood, and how they affect wood traits of economic importance. Lectures and seminars are given by world experts in the field. Current tools for studying wood biology, wood structure, wood mechanics and wood chemical composition are introduced with practical demonstrations. Bioinformatics tools to answer student’s biological question on wood biology will be introduced and practiced during a training session. Social evening activities along with research project poster presentations by the students will allow free interactions and discussions among the students and the lecturers. The course literature is consisted of approx. 20 research and review papers suggested by the lecturers.
More information and registration: https://www.slu.se/en/ew-calendar/2024/2/wood-biology-and-biotechnology/
Deadline for application: 12th of January 2024 (the number of participants is limited to 18)
Wed. 21 Feb, 2024
SILVA PhD course: Wood Biology and Biotechnology, 5 ECTS
Mon. 19 Feb, 2024 0:00 - Sat. 24 Feb, 2024 0:00
Development of novel wood-based products requires an understanding of the biological processes that lead to wood cell differentiation including cell division, expansion, secondary cell wall formation and programmed cell death. Currently though there is a lack of complete and updated information on these topics in a form of a book.
This PhD course will fill this gap and provide an overview of these biological processes, explaining how they lead to developing different kinds of wood, and how they affect wood traits of economic importance. Lectures and seminars are given by world experts in the field. Current tools for studying wood biology, wood structure, wood mechanics and wood chemical composition are introduced with practical demonstrations. Bioinformatics tools to answer student’s biological question on wood biology will be introduced and practiced during a training session. Social evening activities along with research project poster presentations by the students will allow free interactions and discussions among the students and the lecturers. The course literature is consisted of approx. 20 research and review papers suggested by the lecturers.
More information and registration: https://www.slu.se/en/ew-calendar/2024/2/wood-biology-and-biotechnology/
Deadline for application: 12th of January 2024 (the number of participants is limited to 18)
Thu. 22 Feb, 2024
SILVA PhD course: Wood Biology and Biotechnology, 5 ECTS
Mon. 19 Feb, 2024 0:00 - Sat. 24 Feb, 2024 0:00
Development of novel wood-based products requires an understanding of the biological processes that lead to wood cell differentiation including cell division, expansion, secondary cell wall formation and programmed cell death. Currently though there is a lack of complete and updated information on these topics in a form of a book.
This PhD course will fill this gap and provide an overview of these biological processes, explaining how they lead to developing different kinds of wood, and how they affect wood traits of economic importance. Lectures and seminars are given by world experts in the field. Current tools for studying wood biology, wood structure, wood mechanics and wood chemical composition are introduced with practical demonstrations. Bioinformatics tools to answer student’s biological question on wood biology will be introduced and practiced during a training session. Social evening activities along with research project poster presentations by the students will allow free interactions and discussions among the students and the lecturers. The course literature is consisted of approx. 20 research and review papers suggested by the lecturers.
More information and registration: https://www.slu.se/en/ew-calendar/2024/2/wood-biology-and-biotechnology/
Deadline for application: 12th of January 2024 (the number of participants is limited to 18)
Extra Seminar: Gunnar von Heijne
Thu. 22 Feb, 2024 11:00 - 12:00
hosted by UPSC-associated group leader Wolfgang Schröder
Title: Cotranslational protein folding
Speaker: Gunnar von Heijne, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Stockholm
Contact: Wolfgang Schröder
Extra Edge Seminar: Werner Kühlbrandt
Thu. 22 Feb, 2024 16:15 - 17:15
Extra Edge Seminar in connection to André Graça dissertation (Department of Chemistry)
hosted by UPSC-associated group leader Wolfgang Schroeder
Title: High-resolution cryoEM of membrane protein complexes from and in mitochondria
Speaker: Werner Kühlbrandt, Professor emeritus at the Department of Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Contact: Wolfgang Schroeder
Fri. 23 Feb, 2024
SILVA PhD course: Wood Biology and Biotechnology, 5 ECTS
Mon. 19 Feb, 2024 0:00 - Sat. 24 Feb, 2024 0:00
Development of novel wood-based products requires an understanding of the biological processes that lead to wood cell differentiation including cell division, expansion, secondary cell wall formation and programmed cell death. Currently though there is a lack of complete and updated information on these topics in a form of a book.
This PhD course will fill this gap and provide an overview of these biological processes, explaining how they lead to developing different kinds of wood, and how they affect wood traits of economic importance. Lectures and seminars are given by world experts in the field. Current tools for studying wood biology, wood structure, wood mechanics and wood chemical composition are introduced with practical demonstrations. Bioinformatics tools to answer student’s biological question on wood biology will be introduced and practiced during a training session. Social evening activities along with research project poster presentations by the students will allow free interactions and discussions among the students and the lecturers. The course literature is consisted of approx. 20 research and review papers suggested by the lecturers.
More information and registration: https://www.slu.se/en/ew-calendar/2024/2/wood-biology-and-biotechnology/
Deadline for application: 12th of January 2024 (the number of participants is limited to 18)
Mon. 26 Feb, 2024
UPSC Monday Seminar 2024
Mon. 26 Feb, 2024 9:00 - 10:00
9:00 Eduardo Rodriguez
Title: Comparative gene expression analysis revealing the evolution of tree genome
Supervisor: Nathaniel Street
Place: Lilla hörsalen KB.E3.01
Time: 9:00-10:00
Contact: Maria Israelsson Nordström, Anne Honsel
Wed. 28 Feb, 2024
KBC stafetten 2024
Wed. 28 Feb, 2024 10:00 - 12:00
Registration is open now for the annual cross-country skiing relay, KBC Stafetten, which will take place on Wednesday, 28 February, 2024!
Everyone is welcome to join in: staff members, PhD students, and postdocs from different departments from UmU and SLU, and from beginners to experts!
Register a team of four with your colleagues (of mixed genders), or, if you do not plan to participate yourself, come over and support your favourite teams by cheering for them!
The start will be at 10:00 on campus next to Teknikhuset and SLU.
More information and the registration form:
Registration deadline: 21 February 2024.
Thu. 29 Feb, 2024
UPSC Welcome Meeting for Newcomers
Thu. 29 Feb, 2024 14:00 - 15:00
Are you new at UPSC?
We invite every newcomer at UPSC to participate in the Welcome Meeting. This meeting will be held twice per semester, four times per year and gives you important information about UPSC, how it is organised, who are your contact persons and will help you to find your way around at UPSC.
Please make sure to attend at least one meeting after your arrival at UPSC. We will serve fika for everyone participating.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Johannes Hanson (Head of Department, UMU), Totte Niittylä (Head of Department, SLU), Ove Nilsson (Director of UPSC)