Wednesday, November 22, 2023
KBC-Days 2009
All day
The KBC Days 2009 will take place on 16-17 November 2009
All members of the KBC-Departments are welcome to two days of communication, celebration and inspiration. We cordially invite our research partners and friends who like to learn more about our centre.
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All members of the KBC-Departments are welcome to two days of communication, celebration and inspiration. We cordially invite our research partners and friends who like to learn more about our centre.
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Fascination of Plants Day 2017
All day
For more information about the event have a look here:
Two EMG Seminars: El-Kassaby & Burczyk
Wed. 22 Nov, 2023 13:00 - 14:30
Two EMG Seminars
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science (EMG)
13:00-13:45 Yousry El-Kassaby
University of British Columbia, Canada
Title: Breeding without Breeding Evolution: from speeding breeding to genetic parameters unprecedented accuracy
13:50-14:30 Jarosław Burczyk
Department of Genetics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland
Title: Long-distance pollen dispersal in forest trees: myth or reality?
Host: Xiao-Ru Wang
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science (EMG)
13:00-13:45 Yousry El-Kassaby
University of British Columbia, Canada
Title: Breeding without Breeding Evolution: from speeding breeding to genetic parameters unprecedented accuracy
13:50-14:30 Jarosław Burczyk
Department of Genetics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland
Title: Long-distance pollen dispersal in forest trees: myth or reality?
Host: Xiao-Ru Wang