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Mon. 20 Jan, 2025

There are no events on this day.

Tue. 21 Jan, 2025

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Wed. 22 Jan, 2025

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Thu. 23 Jan, 2025

UPSC PhD Student Halftime Seminar

Thu. 23 Jan, 2025 9:00 - 16:30

UPSC PhD Student Halftime Seminar

Will be updated with schedule in the beginning of January.


Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, SLU: Hannele Tuominen
Department of Plant Physiology, UmU: Stefan Jansson

Fri. 24 Jan, 2025

There are no events on this day.

Sat. 25 Jan, 2025

There are no events on this day.

Sun. 26 Jan, 2025

There are no events on this day.