Light in excess of photosynthetic capacity can be damaging to cells constituents. Thus ways to protect against damage have evolved in photosynthetic organisms, including ways to minimize light absorption, detoxify reactive oxygen species generated by excess light, and dissipate excess absorbed light. Together, these processes are known as photoprotection.
For more information see also our lab website at
Despite the physiological importance of photoprotection, the molecular mechanisms that protect against light stress, especially those protecting against sustained light stress, remain largely unknown. In my group, we combine genetics, biochemistry, biophysics and physiology to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of photoprotection under sustained abiotic stress. Our research will provide insights into fundamental mechanisms of light energy capture, utilization and dissipation in plants.
Key Publications
- Bru P, Steen CJ, Park S, Amstutz CL, Sylak-Glassman EJ, Leuenberger M, Lam L, Longoni F, Fleming GR, Niyogi KK and Malnoë A* (2021) Isolation of quenched light-harvesting complex II trimers from Arabidopsis leaves with sustained photoprotection (qH). bioRxiv: 2021.2007.2009.450705.
- Yu, G, Pan, X, Hao, J, Shi, L, Zhang, Y, Wang, J, Xiao, Y, Yang, F, Lou, J, Chang, W, Malnoë, A* and Li, M* (2021) Structure of SOQ1 lumenal domains identifies potential disulfide exchange for negative regulation of photoprotection, qH. bioRxiv: 2021.2003.2016.435614 - Amstutz, C, Fristedt, R, Schultink, A, Merchant, S, Niyogi, KK, & Malnoë, A* (2020) An atypical short-chain dehydrogenase-reductase functions in the relaxation of photoprotective qH in Arabidopsis. Nat Plants 6:154–166 - Malnoë A (2018). Photoinhibition or photoprotection of photosynthesis? Update on the (newly termed) sustained quenching component qH. Environmental and Experimental Botany 154: 123-133 - Malnoë, A*, Schultink, A, Shahrasbi, S, Rumeau, D, Havaux, M, and Niyogi, KK* (2018). The Plastid Lipocalin LCNP is Required for Sustained Photoprotective Energy Dissipation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 30: 196-208
CV A. Malnoë
- 2023 - present: Associate Professor
Department of Biology, Indiana University Bloomington
- 2018 - 2022: Assistant/Associate Professor
Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå University, Sweden.
Molecular mechanisms of sustained photoprotection. VR, MSCA IF-RI, Kempe, KAW, SSF ARC2030
- 2012 - 2017: Postdoctoral Researcher
University of California Berkeley, USA. Advisor: Krishna K. Niyogi
Photoprotection mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana. US DOE FWP449B
University of California Berkeley, USA. Advisor: Krishna K. Niyogi
Photoprotection mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana. US DOE FWP449B
- 2011 (6 months): Postdoctoral Researcher
CNRS UMR7141 IBPC Paris, France. Advisor: Francis-André Wollman
Role of the FtsH protease in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. EU FP7 SUNBIOPATH
- 2007 - 2011: Ph.D., Biology (with Honors)
CNRS UMR7141 IBPC Paris, France. Advisor: Catherine de Vitry.
Graduate School Plant Sciences, University of Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France.
Cytochrome b6f heme ci function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. ANR BLANC
- 2007 (6 months): Visiting Research Associate
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Advisor: Ben Hankamer
Biochemical and structural characterization of the photosynthetic apparatus during sulfur deprivation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
- 2006 (3 months): Undergraduate Researcher
LB3M, CEA Cadarache, France. Advisor: Laurent Cournac
Identification and characterization of NADH dehydrogenases type II in the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
- 2006 - 2007: M.Sc., Plant Genetic and Molecular Physiology (with Honors)
Graduate School Biology, Health & Biotechnologies
University of Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse, France
- 2004 - 2007: Engineer in Agronomical Sciences
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse, France
French National School of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering
Associate Professor, Biology
Department of Biology
Indiana University Bloomington
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