Month Flat Week Day
Monday, October 01, 2012 10:00 - 11:00
1 Hour
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Contact info
Maria Eriksson, UPSC, Plantphys
UPSC Cutting Edge Seminar

Phil Wigge
Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University UK

Title: Ambient Temperature Sensing in Plants

How is temperature sensed? Eukaryotic cells respond within minutes to changes of a few degrees celsius, adjusting the expression of thousands of genes. The cell must therefore have a mechanism for sensing temperature and coordinating the transcriptome. Despite a few examples of thermosensors, e.g. in Listeria and neurons, the pathways by which temperature is sensed globally are not known.

To address this, we have carried out a genetic screen in Arabidopsis using a Luciferase reporter line for mutants that incorrectly sense non-stress temperature changes. This approach has enabled us to identify a novel temperature-sensing pathway that appears to be conserved among eukaryotes and accounts for the majority of the transcriptional changes in response to temperature change. We are now collaborating with other labs to more fully understand the molecular basis of temperature perception.

What is the underlying regulatory logic of the flora transition? While much is known of the genetic architecture of the floral transition, the dynamic properties of the floral switch are not clearly understood. To address this, we are collaborating with the Richard Morris group (JIC, Norwich) to model the regulatory architecture of the floral transition. This modelling has given insights into how the dynamics of flowering are regulated both spatially and temporally. Our model makes a number of testable, predictions about the dynamic regulation of the floral transition.

Place: Lilla hörsalen, KB3A9, KBC
Picture Phil Wigge