On Oct 1 2011, 41 Swedish scientists holding grants from Vetenskapsrådet published a debate article in Dagens Nyheter, (http://www.dn.se/debatt/kvasivetenskap-hindrar-ett-hallbart-jord--och-skogsbruk). The text can also be downloaded here, an English version here. 

Vetenskapsrådet supports basic science in all areas with granting decisions based solely on scientific excellence. 45 scientists (working within molecular biology, biochemistry biophysics, ecology, mathematic modeling etc.) hold for 2011 grants from Vetenskapsrådet for projects with main focus on plants and out of those, 41 signed. This means that 90 % of the leading plant scientists in Sweden claim that the basis of the EU legislation in this field – that the technique, not the properties of the plant determines whether or not a variety will be put under strict control or not - lacks support by scientific evidence and is instead based on quasi-scientific arguments. Therefore, the legislation must be changed to allow for findings in publicly funded basic plant research to be applied as environmentally friendly agriculture and forestry.

The publication resulted in many comments and follow-ups in national and international media, blogs etc. Below, we have collected links to the comments, both negative and positive. 

So far, none of the negative responses have mentioned the issue discussed in the article – that scientific evidence calls for a change in legislation – but instead focused on
  • the presumed links between us and commercial interests
  • the potential problems with GMOs used in agriculture today
  • a lack of trust in science in general

and do therefore not really connect to the message but theyare linked to here anyway to give an overview of the feelings that the article provoked.

Please inform This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you find links that we have missed.

Forskare: GMO-reglerna hämmar grön utveckling - Ekot | Sveriges Radio

Motiverad kritik mot GMO - Ekot | Sveriges Radio

Scientists demand GMO for the environment - Sveriges Radio Europe/European Union


Förlegad tekniksyn - DN.SE

Kyrkans Tidning

Forskare: Ändra reglerna för GMO | Lantbruk och Skogsland

Genmodifierade växter är på gång trots motstånd - Näringsliv - Kristianstadsbladet - Nyheter dygnet runt

Lantbruk | Upp till kamp för gmo | ATL - Lantbrukets Affärstidning

Others (blogs etc.)

Epsoweb http://www.epsoweb.org/

Quasi-science prevents an environmentally friendly agriculture and forestry | Forskarbloggen

41 svenska forskare... | Facebook

Bra rutet, ni 41! | vetenskapsbloggen

FRASSES BLOGG: GMO-förespråkarnas propaganda

För lite GMO i svenskt jordbruk? « Dyrare mat, NU!

Elsas klimatprat - Bloggosfären - UNT.se

Onaturlig genmanipulation bättre! « Lapsus Dei

41 Swedish plant scientists speak out against harmful EU regulation of modern plant genetics « Biofortified

41 Swedish scientists speak out for modern environmentally friendly agriculture

GMO-odling stör naturens mångfald

Ape reft of his tail

Lifsäväl: Kunschtdynga 7

GMO Pundit

Quasi-science prevents an environmentally friendly agriculture and forestry

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