Mon. 13 Jun, 2011

Half time seminar - Paulina Stachula

Mon. 13 Jun, 2011 15:30 - 16:30
Title: Cold sensing and signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana
Paulina Stachula, Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå University
Place: KB3A9 "Lilla hörsalen", KBC

Tue. 14 Jun, 2011

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Wed. 15 Jun, 2011

Seminar - Laurens Pauwel

Wed. 15 Jun, 2011 15:00 - 16:00
Title: Expanding the JAZ protein interaction network
Lecturer: Laurens Pauwel, VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology, Ghent University, Belgium
Place: KB3A9 "Lilla hörsalen", KBC

Thu. 16 Jun, 2011

There are no events on this day.

Fri. 17 Jun, 2011

There are no events on this day.

Sat. 18 Jun, 2011

There are no events on this day.

Sun. 19 Jun, 2011

There are no events on this day.